Identifying possibility...

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A collection of what we are reading and talking about…

Meditation = Planning

Meditation is planning Kennell Strategy.jpg

I grew up in the mountains of Colorado. It is an excellent place to get in touch with nature, its own type of meditation, and slow down. My exposure to meditation started in my early 20’s; it took me several decades before it becomes part of my (mostly) daily routine. When I started, it helped me clear the cobwebs out my head, much like opening the attic and letting in some air. Years later, I have my go-to mediation music playlist, which I still use many mornings, many afternoons, and when I need a mental reset to gain some space. Beyond the health benefits of mediation (it makes your brain younger), meditation has become a rock that allows me to find those eluding thoughts that I can’t seem pin down. Questions like what task is most critical today, how am I solving the big problem in front of me, where am I headed, why am I going there? The last question being the most important. In business, I find myself often running after what’s quick, what’s easy, what’s needed, but usually not to truly identifying WHY I am doing what I’m doing.

My meditation time, in the morning, the middle of the day, 3 am when I can’t sleep because my brain is thinking of all the things that I need to do, helps me focus on what I want out life, take a deep breath, and create a plan to move forward.

I work with businesses, entrepreneurs, and people looking for what’s next in their lives most every day. More often than not, many of us don’t know why we are doing much of what we do.

That’s why I use meditation to ask a simple three-part question;

  • what do I want


  • how am going to get there

So, when I meet with someone ready to make a change, I ask;

  • What do you want?

  • Why do you want it?

  • How are we going to get you there?

Business Planning is meditation. It’s about setting aside the time to answer the three critical questions, find out if how well it will work, and make a plan to move forward. We can all pivot, create business models, market test, but what when it’s done, what will you have?

Take a moment to meditate; it will change your life. Or, try this meditation hack before sleeping; it’s incredibly brilliant.

Jeremy KennellKennell Strategy