Identifying possibility...

What we are reading (and talking about)...

A collection of what we are reading and talking about…

Upcoming Classes with Grand County Higher Education

Kennell Strategy has partnered with Grand County Higher Education and Scope Boutique to provide adult learning opportunities!

Join Kennell StrategyGrand County Higher Education, and Scope Boutique for the start of the fall Adult Learning Series. 

I am excited to be teaching several courses with Grand County Higher Education in the coming months. These upcoming classes included a little something for everyone. Courses in cooking, business tools like GSuite, Office 365, website design, and a Business Boot Camp that covers most everything you should know (or learn again) about business. Seriously, you should check them out.

Fall Lineup.png


A note from the Founder

It seems that summer is waning and we are all trying to figure out what it will mean spending more time inside. It appears that remote working (or learning) is not going away anytime soon. That's why all of the courses we are providing with Grand County Higher Education will be delivered remotely. In fact, we are teaching a class on how to teach online! While it was new to me, I think we figured out what is most effective when I taught over 24 classes last Spring, all online. 

Speaking of that, if you need a hand setting you your own remote systems for your business, reach out to us for a free consultation. As my friend Bob always reminds me, "I am devoted to your success". Click here to schedule a time now. 

Jeremy Kennell