Identifying possibility...

What we are reading (and talking about)...

A collection of what we are reading and talking about…

Perfection is not perfect...


“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Airman's Odyssey


I've been teaching most of my adult life. Early in my career, I had the opportunity to teach outdoor & environmental education. I've spent a decade in the classroom, taught teachers how to be more effective with technology, developed workforce sales & training programs, spoken at numerous events, and have continued to learn myself. Teaching is one of the favorite parts of what I do. 

Early on, I realized that I had little control. Sure, I could control the classroom (most of the time); once the kids left, it all went out the window. Those students and all of us have lives. We have families, drama, daily life, and so much we can't control. In the last few months, COVID-19 has taught us how little control we have over so many things in our world. 

I spent a good portion of my career trying to achieve that extraordinary thing called "perfection." Once or twice, I was even successful. But most of the time, perfection does not happen. Good enough happens. And in my experience, good enough is usually all we need. Technology changes, opportunities change, business pivots, and it's our job to adapt.

To grow, I have always gone back to teaching. It forces me to focus and rethink about what is relevant and critical today. As I've taught the same courses many times, each one is different because we all grow and change.

I am excited to be teaching several courses with Grand County Higher Education in the coming months. These upcoming classes included a little something for everyone. Courses in cooking, business tools like GSuite, Office 365, website design, and a Business Boot Camp that covers most everything you should know (or learn again) about business. Seriously, you should check them out.

Here at Kennell Strategy, our job is to help you be more successful by providing simple, elegant, and practical solutions to your everyday business problems. You don't have to fix everything, but find out how we can help you become better tomorrow than you are today. 
Have something you want to fix, find out how Kennell Strategy can help you solve your wildest business problems one simple step at a time.

About Kennell Strategy

Kennell Strategy is a full-service business consulting firm that provides elegant & straightforward solutions to help you, and your business, sleep better at night. 

Find out how we can help by emailing us here or sign up for a free discovery call!

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